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"Art is a lie that makes us realize the truth."
is a quote attributed to the famous artist Pablo Picasso.
And indeed, the further I dig into the science of art, the further I understand the art of science.
Art and science have more in common as we would have guessed at the first impression. The entire framework of science seems to be outwardly-based, while the arts seem to be more interested into the internally-based side.
While the scientist observes the world around him, the artist observes himself. And why shouldn't we be able to do both, say to look into oneself to understand how the subconsciousness recognizes the outside world?
Furthermore; Where even lies the difference between the outside and the inside; Where are the boundaries between the observer and the observed? What even is the "inside" and what is the "outside", if the entire world we do inhabit is also part of ourselves?
Where lie the limits of my being if I become more and more of what surrounds me?
Buckminster Fuller wrote in his book Synergetics the following:
Universe to each must be All that is, including me. Environment in turn must be All that is, excepting me.
All life only exists due to contrast, due to polarity, and their very artistic interplay.
Art is a way of expression, just as science and mathematics; The only difference lies in the patterns they offer. Just as ice and water consist of the same, they still behave far different than the other. And so are the elements of our body;
Also: We are not the elements that make up our human body, we are the processes that give them these shapes, these thoughts, these impressions and these feelings. We are not what we are made up by. We are what we make out of it.
The very present moment is the only reality there is, for tomorrow is only a dream and yesterday has already perished into the void of all oblivion...
The gift of consciousness is only a temporal shape in the eternal void of being.
And in the end, art, science and also some kind of spirituality are bound together in such an intertwined way.
Why shouldn't we stand in awe of the majesty of the machinery of life? Why should we ever stop to wonder about the biggest mysteries life itself has gifted to us? And why should we lose all emotion in the process of coming to understand our precious cosmos?
Science often faces so many prejudices about being an emotionless field of study; But that is so far away from the truth, because the more I am able to comprehend what was once meant to be incomprehensible, the more I am impressed, fascinated, thrilled, and most of all, thankful for the gift of life, despite all these difficulties I had yet to face.
Science has been the biggest source of spirituality and inspiration for me; Unlike all fictive products humans have created themselves, nature is by far the most creative and complex creator. Nature never fails to impress me.
And indeed, Richard Feynman was right about this: "The imagination of nature is far, far greater than the imagination of man."
Many arts are limited by ones own imagination, mathematics, nature's language in a way, goes far beyond. The world of logic, and the worlds that result out of it, are not bound to anything only our limited minds are capable of renderaing.
Nature itself is the biggest artist as well as scientist. And why shouldn't we too? Why should we limit our world into one way of seeing, if the multiplicity of perspectives are the start of the symphony and poetry of life?
Why should we limit our perspective into only recognizing, say, the solid state of matter, or only the liquid or gaseous state? In the end, it is the interplay that makes existence vivid and colorful. So why should we limit our view to black and white, forgetting there are far more shades in between, not even mentioning the color spectrum, or even getting a glimpse about the other 90% of all we can't see of the electromagnetic spectrum?
To see reality as it is, means recognizing its uncountable layers and interactions between them.
Art and science should not hate each other, for they are each other's counterpart; Only through polarity, existence comes to life...
And now is the time to close your eyes and begin to see... Let's drown in analogies and wake up in a dream that's called reality.
Beyond imagination limitation! Furthermore beyond old conventions used to divide the arts from the sciences the art series Cubic extraction of the hyperspherical plane could bring new insights and perpectives into the worlds of surreal art, mathematics, as well as cognitive science and quantum gravity research!
The project aliencryptX is a word art project, featuring some cryptograms and ambigrams generated by the grey matter of the biological calabi-yau-manifold of superhumanoid_AI.
generated in the grey matter of the
Bright side of darkness
The project Bright side of darkness displays a part of the formerly depressing reality nihilistic philosophy offers, but with a bright insight. It's an art series contemplating the philosophical, mathematical and scientific values, and emotional attachment to void.
Even the darkest abyss can bring the highest form of enlightenment. And more than often it is through suffering through which we can experience joy and happiness. Life is not meant to never hurt; Actually pain is what makes us feel alive, and moreover it is through pain through which we really grow. Even the most obscure darkness offers a glimpse of light. Once we are able to understand what darkness really is; a base, a foundation, a medium, merely like an unwritten piece of paper that needs to be filled. Darkness often represents void, and why should we consider void to have a negative meaning? Why do we find a lack of purpose saddening, if we, we ourselves can create meaning all by ourselves? The hunt for a primordial sense of purpose is rather futile. - See, isn?t it kind of ironic? Maybe the only sense of sense is senselessness itself; Once you hunt it, it will disappear. But once you just be, the entire concept of a pre-defined sense appears rather illogical, and therefor futile. Because the only sense of sense seems to be to make sense, do I make sense?
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Dimensions of a Fractal Universe
Entropy and Emergence, Synergetics, Self-organisation, Self-similarity, Self-replication, Recursion, Recycling-loops, Metamorphosis, Phase-transitions, Determinism and Probabilism, Duality and Unity, Simplification and Complexification, non-binary Logic, Axiomatic Networks, Mathematical Cognitive Science, Neural Networks, Intersections, Quantum Computing, Top-down approach and Bottom-up approach, Pattern recognition and Combinatorics, logical Induction and logical Deduction, Holism and Atomism, Reductionism, Big Picture and Details, Specification and Generalisation, Amplification and Annihilation, Interference, Decoherence, Structure-Process-Complex, Closed loop, Inversion, Butterfly effect, Symmetry and Parallelism, Quantum conformity, the zero fold, Oxymora and Pleonasms, Contradictions and Tautologies, Cross-hopping of associations in combinatoric research, Bypass-system, Hybrid mind, Quadropolarity, Meta-cognition, Meta-analysis, Extraction, Thesis and Antithesis, Synthesis, Order and Disorder, Ordered Disorder, Deterministic chaos, Causal chains and Causal networks, Correlation and Causation, Cosmic weaving, Knot theory, Analogy and Fact, Art and Science, Incoherence, Vague impressions, Intuition, Hyper-complex mind, Blurred sight, Mental far-sightedness and mental short-sightedness, Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, Indirect Implications, Self-reference, Self-interference, Contraction and expansion, Centripetal and Centrifugal forces, Repulsion and Attraction, Encryption and Decryption, Summary and Elaboration, Fusion and Fission, Abstraction and Concreteness, Vague approximation and exact derivation, Bird perspective and frog perspective, Zooming in and zooming out, the Outside and the inside, Continuuous and grainy, Analog and digital;
These are all words that are so heavily interconnected, they are all kind of self-descriptive and, in a way, kind of self-referent; They represent what they want to describe. What is thought without thinking? And what is thinking without thought? What do all these words have in common? Polarity and self-reference in means of categories.
Maximalminimalism encounters polarity into a neat union in entangling equilibrium and culmination of simplicity and complexity.
How minimal can a concept be and still offer maximal expression? How much simplification can be used for still conveying the complexity of the portrayed issue?
How much generalization of the big picture can still lead to exact specialization of the details?
The maximal minimization of details in order to capture the essence of the main concept is the core of the philosophy of reductionism.
How many details can be erased without significantly changing the overall picture?
Extrospect via introspect: And I look deep into myself and recognize how my subconsciousness perceives the outside world. I still see reality; twisted, mirrored and turned; but it's still a version of the real world. Veiled by many illusions the mind may bear it still somehow reflects the outside world;
Welcome to the Klein Bottle that is the self-referent mind!